KALANDA Deluxe Edition
Get the film KALANDA - The Knowledge of the Bush and all the content from the Extras package: 6 short documentaries and almost two hours of the music of the hunters.
Kalanda - The Knowledge of the Bush
A documentary film about donsoya, the knowledge of initiated hunters in Burkina Faso.
The Taxidermist
Boubacar Traoré speaks of his work as a taxidermist in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, and of the rituals and beliefs connected to hunting hippos, that he knows from a very personal experience.
Masks from the Bush
When animals and spirits from the bush bring disorder in the village. A donso masquerade in Samogohiri, Burkina Faso.
Slaughterhouse ABF
WARNING: STRONG IMAGES A piece of sensory ethnography from the Abattoir Frigorifique de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso - 27 June 2012. With thanks to Norbert Baniné Ido and Assibidi (Sidi) Lankoande.
Making more Things with Words
Adama Woni prepares amulets with Arabic scripts, Banzon, June 2012.
How to Make Things with Words
Seydou Sidibe prepares Nasi water from an Arabic script, Karankasso Sambla, 20 March 2012.